- disturbance propagation
- распространение возмущения
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
disturbance propagation — trikdžio sklidimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. disturbance propagation vok. Störungsausbreitung, f rus. распространение возмущения, n pranc. propagation de perturbation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
propagation de perturbation — trikdžio sklidimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. disturbance propagation vok. Störungsausbreitung, f rus. распространение возмущения, n pranc. propagation de perturbation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Disturbance storm time index — The disturbance storm time (Dst, Kyoto Dst) index is a measure in the context of space weather. It gives information about the strength of the ring current around earth caused by solar protons and electrons. The ring current around earth produces … Wikipedia
Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance — A sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID) is an abnormally high ionization/plasma density in the D region of the ionosphere caused by a solar flare. The SID results in a sudden increase in radio wave absorption that is most severe in the upper… … Wikipedia
Radio propagation — is a term used to explain how radio waves behave when they are transmitted, or are propagated from one point on the Earth to another. [ H. P. Westman et al, (ed), Reference Data for Radio Engineers, Fifth Edition , 1968, Howard W. Sams and Co.,… … Wikipedia
List of radio propagation topics — This is a list of radio propagation terms. NOTOC A a index A index aa index active prominence active prominence region (APR) active region active surge region (ASR) active dark filament (ADF) AE index Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFGL) arch… … Wikipedia
Störungsausbreitung — trikdžio sklidimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. disturbance propagation vok. Störungsausbreitung, f rus. распространение возмущения, n pranc. propagation de perturbation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
trikdžio sklidimas — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. disturbance propagation vok. Störungsausbreitung, f rus. распространение возмущения, n pranc. propagation de perturbation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
распространение возмущения — trikdžio sklidimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. disturbance propagation vok. Störungsausbreitung, f rus. распространение возмущения, n pranc. propagation de perturbation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
light — light1 lightful, adj. lightfully, adv. /luyt/, n., adj., lighter, lightest, v., lighted or lit, lighting. n. 1. something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light. 2. Physics … Universalium
Wave — A wave is a disturbance that propagates through space and time, usually with transference of energy. While a mechanical wave exists in a medium (which on deformation is capable of producing elastic restoring forces), waves of electromagnetic… … Wikipedia